
Posts Tagged ‘avoid’

Lip Smacker

March 5th, 2010
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Lip Smacker It was the tropical punch, and it delivered a knock-out blow to my lips. I do not use chapstick very often and I rarely wear makeup, so I have given no thought to gluten being contained in these products.

My thoughtlessness had severe consequences today when I reached into my desk drawer and grabbed a lip smacker to moisten my dry lips. I instantly started coughing and my lips were tingling. I ran to wash the product off of my lips, but it was too late. I came home with a headache and decided to lay down. I woke up with a swollen tongue, numb lips, and facial muscles so stiff that I thought I had a bad case of lock jaw. Over a period of a few hours the stiffness has crept back into my arms and legs. I am well on my way to a full Fibromyalgia flare because of a little wheat germ oil in this flavored chapstick.

I am wondering if anyone out there has had a similar reaction. I cannot get over how sensitive I was to the product and how quickly I reacted to it.  Am I definitely reacting to the wheat? They are so cute, but I think I will be finding some Burt’s Bees or using Vasoline the next time my lips are dry.

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